Sunday, June 15, 2014

This Man

This man.
My love.
My husband.
The father to my children.

I could go on and on over the ways I love him. He is a great cook. He is a great partner. He helps me around the house. I can be the absolute goofball I am around him. He is super sexy.

And he is a terrific father. 

There are two little girls in this world who adore him. There are two little girls in this world who are lucky to have him. Entering into this adventure of parenting with very little knowledge of babies and raising children, and despite not having a father present, he is completely and utterly succeeding in being a great father.

While I've worked nights over the years, he has learned how to do a nighttime routine with a three year old and a baby all by himself. During those nights, he has woken up for every nighttime feeding and diaper change. Without complaint.

After working long days, he comes home and get down on all fours and play "Unicorn" with Claire. He lets me sleep in on Saturdays after I work. He takes Claire in the garage with him to "help" him. And she loves it. He taught Claire the alphabet at bath time, and speaking of bath time, he has probably given about 80% of the baths in this house.

He cuddles. He loves. He jokes. He makes us all laugh. These little girls absolutely adore their Daddy!

I got lucky in the partner department, but even more so, these girls got lucky in the Daddy department!

Happy Father's Day, Daniel!

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